Clinical Data Guide

The purpose of the Know Your Tumor Clinical Data Guide is to provide SPARK end-users with information and guidance regarding clinical data tables and their descriptions.



This data guide assumes a baseline level knowledge of pancreatic cancer, genomic and clinical data and does not cover basic descriptions and explanations.

Data Table NameDescription
ASSESSMENTSThis file provides details on a patient's past assessments, such as Karnofsky Score, ECOG score, etc.
CANCERThis is the primary file for information pertaining to a patient's primary or secondary diagnosis of a cancer/malignant neoplasm
COMORBIDITYThis file provides a high-level overview of each instance of a comorbidity at the condition level for each patient
CURATED_MOLECULAR_RESULTSThis file provides information pertaining to sequencing data as appears in abstracted clinical documents
DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_TUMOR_CHARACTERIZATIONThis file is primarily used to identify the date of cancer diagnosis at a diagnostic_report_id level
ENCOUNTERSThis file is primarily used to provide further information pertaining to encounters with the patient
FOLLOW_UP_STATUSThis file provides information pertaining to the last known status of a patient's cancer
HISTOLOGYThis is the primary file for tumor histology
HISTOPATH_GRADEThis file provides information pertaining to the histology grade for each cancer/malignant neoplasm diagnosis at a more granular level
IMAGING_PROCEDURESThis file provides detailed information for each instance of an imaging procedure
LABSThis file provides detailed information pertaining to each instance of a laboratory test performed
LINE_OF_THERAPYThis file provides Tempus-assigned line of therapy
M_STAGEThis is the primary file for information pertaining to m-stage in the event of an m-stage category finding
MEDICATIONSThis is the primary file used to identify the medication administered to a patient, along with additional relevant information
MEDICATIONS_ROLLUPThis file reconciles CURATED and NATIVE medication records and accounts for multiple overlapping records
METASTASESThis is the primary file for information pertaining to a patient's diagnosis of a secondary cancer/malignant neoplasm
N_STAGEThis is the primary file for information pertaining to n-stage
OUTCOMESThis file provides detailed information regarding the outcome of patient's care plan
PATIENTThe file provides demographic information for each patient
PROCEDURESThis file provides a description of any instance of a surgery performed on a patient
RADIOTHERAPYThis file provides pertinent information of any instance of radiation therapy used on a patient
RECURRENCEPatients in this file have had an instance of recurrence of their primary cancer
STAGEThis is the primary file for information pertaining to a tumor stage for each diagnosis with a tumor stage
T_STAGEThis is the primary file for information pertaining to t-stage in the event of an t-stage category finding
TREATMENT_STATUSThis file provides information pertaining to the treatment status of a patient
VITALSThis file provides information pertaining to the patient's vitals